Results for 'Honoratos Episcopus Arelatcnsis'

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    722 Index nominura.Honoratos Episcopus Arelatcnsis - unknown - Diogenes 13 (5):4.
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    El fenómeno de la percepción en Aristóteles y Merleau-Ponty.Diego Honorato - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (166):13-48.
    Se realiza un estudio comparativo del problema de la percepción en Aristóteles y Maurice Merleau-Ponty, considerando el marco antropológico en el que se inscriben sus propuestas. Se establecen sus posibles puntos de contacto y sus diferencias más importantes. Se presta especial atención al vínculo entre el acto senso-perceptual yel movimiento, así como al problema de la conciencia perceptual y a la cuestión de la actualidad común entre el sentiente y el sensible.
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  3.  12
    (1 other version)Lo “Irreal” en Xavier Zubiri: el problema filosófico del arte y la literatura.E. Diego Honorato - 2017 - Revista de Filosofía 73:71-86.
    En este artículo se aborda el problema de lo irreal en el filósofo español Xavier Zubiri y, más específicamente, el problema de la ficción y del arte. Se realiza una breve conceptuación de lo que el filósofo entiende por realidad, y de cómo se inserta en ella lo irreal. Se propone sucintamente que lo irreal es “realmente” irreal y que el hombre está forzado a habérselas con lo irreal y con la ficción para poder estar verdaderamente en las cosas. El (...)
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    Sensación y pintura en Deleuze.Paula Honorato Crespo - 2010 - Aisthesis 47.
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    Taboo, Transgression, Transcendence in Art and Science.Dalila Honorato - 2018 - Technoetic Arts 16 (3):235-236.
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    A shared vision model for community development in the saltillo valley of northern mexico.Honorato Tessier - 2003 - World Futures 59 (8):597 – 604.
    This article describes a project that seeks to join the experiences of several fields of knowledge, through systems thinking, promoting the improvement of the quality of life in the Saltillo valley community. All this is done through an action- research process, which integrates most of the available elements. This project considers the history of the community and the complex interaction of population with natural ecosystems. The project goes into detail in the collective learning and the community conscience development, based on (...)
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    El libro 6 del De música de san Agustín.M. A. Del Pilar Montero Honorato - 1988 - Augustinus 33 (132):335-354.
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  8. Editorial: Women’s agency in art and science.Dalila Honorato & Claudia Westermann - 2023 - Technoetic Arts 21 (2):151-156.
    Women in the field of art and science have an unquestionable presence worldwide that exceeds their visibility in the general visual art scene. When cataloguing women’s range of practices and exploring their agency in art and science, a new model of inclusivity and access to the public sphere for all individuals working in art emerges. First, these are contributions reflecting on projects being carried out by women in the broadest interpretation of the term – individuals who identify themselves as women, (...)
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  9.  34
    Classical Scholarship Today: Geoffrey E. R. Lloyd’s Methodological Principles.Diego Honorato - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (4):485-491.
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  10.  24
    Políticas do imaginário: História, educação e cultura visual.Cayo Honorato - 2016 - Filosofia E Educação 8 (1):38.
    Neste texto, repasso algumas questões do livro A guerra das imagens, do historiador Serge Gruzinski, enfatizando o caráter contraprodutivo das visualidades indígenas em relação às imagens cristãs. Mas, principalmente, proponho que essa leitura seja considerada em um contexto particular de problemas, que diz respeito às narrativas do ensino da arte que trabalham a partir das premissas de uma virada pictorial ; qual seja: o de um domínio da visão pelas imagens e de um déficit de historicidade das visualidades.
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    Taboo in world cinema: Female protagonists within incestuous relationships.Styliani Anna Klimatsaki & Dalila Honorato - 2023 - Technoetic Arts 21 (2):211-224.
    This article examines, analyses and compares the cinematic representation of three female protagonists (on three respective films) within their portrayed incestuous relationships. It also attempts to draw significant conclusions about their dynamic as female participating subjects in these affairs in a more inclusive way, one that takes into consideration their racial, gender, social and family characteristics. As incest itself is one of the strongest human taboos, various questions regarding the female portrait and position in such relationships arise: as incest constitutes (...)
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  12. Editorial: On modes of participation.Ioannis Bardakos, Dalila Honorato, Claudia Jacques, Claudia Westermann & Primavera de Filippi - 2021 - Technoetic Arts 19 (3):221-225.
    In nature validation for physiological and emotional bonding becomes a mode for supporting social connectivity. Similarly, in the blockchain ecosystem, cryptographic validation becomes the substrate for all interactions. In the dialogue between human and artificial intelligence (AI) agents, between the real and the virtual, one can distinguish threads of physical or mental entanglements allowing different modes of participation. One could even suggest that in all types of realities there exist frameworks that are to some extent equivalent and act as validation (...)
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  13.  32
    Like real friends do: Communicating on social media with Sophia the robot.Laida Limniati, Dalila Honorato & Andreas Giannakoulopoulos - 2021 - Technoetic Arts 19 (1):163-170.
    Human–robot interaction (HRI) is the study focused on the relationship between humans and robots. HRI as a study combines elements from different fields such as computer science, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, psychology and sociology. With the advancement in the field of AI, HRI showed greater improvements and now, we have the first robot recognized as a citizen of a country: Sophia the robot. Sophia is a robot that has a humanoid form, first made her appearance in 2016 and, according to (...)
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  14.  13
    O Agir feminino de Antígona e Anita Garibaldi: leitura transversal de “O clamor de Antígona”.Fernando Honorato de Oliveira - 2020 - Perspectivas 4 (2):52-68.
    O texto aborda a relação de poder na relação mulher-sociedade, contrapondo um personagem ficcional (Antígona) e um personagem real (Anita Garibaldi) e suas perspectivas históricas. A abordagem visa demonstrar que, apesar dos séculos, ainda há uma evidente relação de dominação na definição do papel da Mulher, que é hostilizada subliminarmente, para ser colocada como objeto social e não sujeito social.
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    La “rostridad” en el estallido social chileno de 2019: acerca de la estrategia político-policial de mutilación ocular.Cristóbal Durán Rojas & Silvana Vetö Honorato - 2021 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 31 (1):202-217.
    Este artículo propone una lectura interpretativa de la mutilación ocular como estrategia político-policial sistemática aplicada durante el llamado “estallido social” comenzado en Chile en octubre de 2019. A partir de una elaboración del concepto de “rostridad”, desarrollado por Deleuze y Guattari, sugerimos que dicha estrategia sugiere, por una parte, el reconocimiento anticipado de la potencia subversiva de la revuelta, difícil de desactivar por los poderes gobernantes. Por otra parte, que la mutilación no solo apunta a los ojos sino también a (...)
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    Antígona y Aristóteles: una lectura a dos voces acerca de la ambigüedad de la técnica.Joaquín García-Huidobro, Constanza Giménez & Diego Honorato - 2015 - Persona y Bioética 19 (2).
    In the "Ode to Man," in Antigone, Sophocles stressed the moral ambiguity of the technique. Since it can be used for both good and bad, it requires a higher guidance, one represented by divine law. This theme is taken up by Aristotle, but on a secular basis, with his idea that some things are right or wrong by nature. For Aristotle, the straight orientation of the technique does not depend primarily on knowledge of certain ethical rules, but on the formation (...)
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    Episcopus alio Episcopo immediate subiectus título (El Patriarcado).Manuel Teruel Gregorio de Tejada - 2023 - Isidorianum 15 (31):65-94.
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    Episcopus und verwandtes.Heikki Solin - 2006 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 150 (2):232-250.
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    Modernidad filosófica y fantasía literaria: Corachán y sus "Avisos de Parnaso" (1690).Julián López Cruchet - 2006 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 23:181-195.
    Cuando se habla de la Ilustración en España, por lo general se hace referencia al período central del siglo XVIII. Sin embargo, para llegar a ese punto fue menester un trabajo de investigación, introducción y divulgación del pensamiento moderno en su sentido más amplio; esta tarea fue obra de los denominados "novatores". En las últimas décadas del siglo XVII, un grupo de pensadores decidieron, no sin pocos problemas e impedimentos de todo tipo, que había llegado el momento de abrir las (...)
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  20. Saint Bonaventure: Friar, Teacher, Minister, Bishop: A Celebration of the Eighth Centenary of His Birth.Timothy J. Johnson, Katherine Wrisley Shelby & Marie Kolbe Zamora (eds.) - 2021 - St. Bonaventure, New York: Franciscan Institute Publications.
    A collection of essays presented at "Frater, Magister, Minister, Episcopus. The Works and Worlds of Bonaventure," a conference held at St. Bonaventure University, commemorating the 800th Centennial of Saint Bonaventure, the Seraphic Doctor.
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